

The Oriental Numismatic Society is a world-wide network of those interested in Oriental coins and money (collectors, scholars, and enthusiasts).

The Society publishes the Journal of the Oriental Numismatic Society, an international journal that is released quarterly to our members worldwide.

The different regional sections of the Society hold meetings around the world at which members can meet and hear talks by collectors, scholars and enthusiasts working on a variety of numismatic topics.

Society Activities

Upcoming Meetings

Annual General Meeting
Saturday, July 13, 3-5 pm London time
at Spink (67-69 Southampton Row, London WC1B 4ET) and on Zoom.

Michael Broome Memorial Lecture to be delivered in the first hour by
Dr. Sebastian Hanstein
Head of the Research Center for Islamic Numismatics, Tübingen

Būyid coin

Numismatic Insights into the End of a Dynasty: Coins from the Times of the Last Būyids

[PLEASE NOTE: The lecture will NOT be recorded to be made available later]

Agenda for Meeting

  1. Welcome
  2. Michael Broome Memorial Lecture
  3. Approval of Minutes of AGM 2023 and Matters Arising
  4. Secretary-General’s Report
  5. Treasurer’s Report
  6. Election of officers and Council members
  7. Announcement of winner of Ashoka Prize 2023
  8. Other business

ONS regional secretaries will send the Zoom link to members.

ONS Quarterly Lecture Series online/worldwide Saturday, August 17, 4 pm London time Robert Bracey: ‘Numbers as Sources’

European Region: 14 September 2024 Leiden, The Netherlands

ONS Quarterly Lecture Series online/worldwide Saturday, October 19, 4 pm London time Matthias Naue: ‘Madīnat Jayy - Numismatic history and its extraordinary minting peak in 162 h’

Oriental Numismatic News

The ONS has awarded the 2022 Ashoka Prize to Aleksandr Naymark.